friends of the earth

A Heartfelt Letter: Protect Our Planet

We need your help.

At auramores, we believe that preserving the Earth demands immediate action on a global scale. We must shift towards sustainable practices, embrace renewable energy, and prioritize environmental conservation. By reducing carbon footprints, managing waste responsibly, and protecting biodiversity, we can consume responsibly and safeguard our planet for future generations.

Reduce: We focus heavily on our educational initiatives to teach pet parents how to use our products appropriately to reduce the wastage of precious resources. We also transfer cost savings gained from economies of scale to pet parents, helping them provide better quality pet care to their furry family members at more pocket-friendly prices.

Reuse: We strongly encourage pet parents to bring their plastic bottles to our selected partner retailers for self or assisted refilling. This not only helps them reduce the price of the product by removing packaging costs, but also substantially reduces single-use non-recyclables that might otherwise end up in a landfill before its useful life ends. Additionally, reduced shipping costs will lower prices further and more importantly help us to reduce carbon emissions with smarter logistics.

Recycle: We firmly advocate for recycling everything in our products. Whenever possible, all unused and returned materials will be prioritised for upcycling towards new products. If any materials cannot be recycled, we will donate them for alternative use cases, for example handicraft production by underprivileged communities. These limited and exclusive handmade products will be resold on our channels, generating impactful profits that will greatly uplift these communities towards better standards of living.